This calculator is used to calculate the approximate Experience To Next Level value (Enext) of a character at a particular level, assuming that he/she is at exactly that level and has not gained any extra EXP
Character Class:
Character Level:
Base EXP To Next Level:
EXP To Next Level of Class:
While studying Enext, it became clear that a definite formula would be nigh impossible because there are frquent, seemingly random fluctuations in its slope. The slope also increases at a very gradual rate. The best I could do was to apply 11 linear formulas to approximate Enext. However, because the fluctuations are very minor, it is still 99.99% accurate for every level, so it is nothing to worry about.
If you're testing this calculator against a character in-game, and the results vary greatly, it probably means that the character is not at exactly that particular level. For example, Adell needs 2540 EXP to reach level 10. If he has exactly 2540 EXP, his Enext will be 135. If he has 2600 EXP, he will still be level 10, but he will have 75 Enext. This calculator essentially provides the maximum value that the Enext could possibly be. If the EXP bar is at least somewhat full, you can be sure that this calculator won't match your character.
This calculator will be most accurate for enemies because they don't have extra EXP, unless they specifically killed one of your characters or each other.