Representative Magic Number Calculator
This calculator is used to estimate the Magic Number of a Representative in the Homeroom. It's the same idea as the Magic Number Calculator for Disgaea 2.
01. Rarity Value:
| Remove Input
02. Rarity Value:
| Remove Input
Add Input (40 Max)
Display Possible Magic Numbers as:
Rarity Spectrometer
- Rarity ranges from 0-255, but you have the option to input values outside of that range. If you do, it will be interpreted as a different number. For example, 256 will be treated as 0, and -1 will be treated as 255.
- Adding more rarities often helps, but don't be surprised if it doesn't after a certain point. If you're having trouble narrowing it down, try using the estimated values.
- The Rarity Spectrometer may lag some browsers, notably Internet Explorer.
- This calculator uses Cookies, so if you have not allowed them, it may not work properly.
- Thanks to Nietono at GameFAQs for clarifying what some things were called.
- Thanks to Daichi for helping me make the calculator. I couldn't have done it without him.